cydcor pyramid schemetaryn seraphine gerry

Ideally, they would have spoken up in the moment. I really cant think of a legitimate reason why your HR person would be sharing this information to begin with. Two, to give people who are about to begin their successful careers with a CYDCOR subsidiary all of the information they will never get while employed with CYDCOR. I quit the next day. I am proud of my education and certainly dont think it was a waste, although it was expensive. The brain autocorrects, but the mouth does not. Alison, I really appreciate it when you re-think some of your guidance, and let us know by crossing out the original, as in OP#4. Reading some of these responses to LW 3 makes me feel like quoting the movie Matilda Dont snear at educated people. I have a Masters degree, as does everyone in my chosen profession. I fix so much wording as a result and I catch typos! Agreed. And follow your dreams as been discussed A LOT around here lately, particularly when those dreams lead to hefty debt and living paycheck to paycheck. Dont click on those slick Ads! There are daily meetings full of meaningless motivational speeches that translate to you should be glad to be working 80-hour weeks for us, only losers wouldnt want this opportunity. (They also dont offer benefits because offices are intentionally kept too small to be legally required to provide health insurance.). Im not the one who earns more. My mother only has a high school degree, and she was able to get administrative jobs in the 1970s and 80s that would probably require or at least prefer a college degree now. Car sale. What we want is for you to get married, the judge told her, according to her description. Youre not done until youve caught all the errors. I work with a number of organisations that are trans-affirming and people have their pronouns in their email signature. Its perfectly good form when someone comes out to you with new name and pronouns to ask whether youre to use them with everyone, or if not, when. It is simply gossip. To my knowledge, that would just mean that its perfectly safe to use either. Just as he got done showing me the fifth video in a row, a suggested video came up saying "Is Cydcor a Scam: YES". Is this something to discuss with my manager? I agree. in the analysis. Original ripoff report is 100% accurate. OP, theres a lot of great advice here that I follow/will follow I tend to make careless mistakes because Im often in a rush to produce results. I definitely do that- it also helps with document creep. No compensation for gas. #3 speaking as an HR person myself, what yours is doing is wrong. Since I have an ipad pro, I load my files into GoodNote, and go over them there, making corrections and notes directly on it. If it wasnt for all of the above stuff, Id be totally fine with selling office supplies door-to-door for low pay- I like to think I am humble and try to work hard, I actually used to wash dishes at restaurants in high school. I was so pissed off I couldn't finish my food. Thanks, Alison & commentariat, for confirming my suspicions about this job! It seemed unlikely you would delete dissenting comments, but equally surprising that there arent more of them. My Experience with a Multilevel Marketing Pyramid Scheme. I went back to school in my mid-30s. You > Them. I was smart enough to not take it thankfully. To the surprise of no one in the world except the board, they did not share the boards belief that the honor of working there was more valuable than a pay raise. Pretty similar stuff except it wasn't door to door. I will often write out my presentation or document, and then wait until the next day and re-read it then. Usually the start of the day you have these meetings for 2 hours with all the employees called "atmosphere" in which you have to practice the pitch and help people perfect a pitch they've probably worked a million times by themselves and outside. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I was a high school drop out and only had a GED. Ive only recently learned much about MLMs (although Im just gonna say I LOVE my Tupperware!) Told the boss there was a technical fault with my mobile phone. My business is reasonably education oriented and no one gives a crap who went to what school or has what degree. Very helpful! TWO THINGS I learned in the field kept me from going back my second day though. require a college degree. Sign in. There are soooo many company locations under this umbrella. Yeah. Get the degree if you want to follow your dreams and dont listen to naysayers. You dont have to alternate between the two. Trial and error has made me realise I am at my best for error spotting first thing in the morning and then, second best straight after lunch. They bring in revenues with practically no risk factor. Most people in my industry have at least a bachelor, many have MBAs. Truth. It always goes to someone else for proofing. I spelled my own name wrong once. Its a relatively new option in word but Ive found it incredibly useful for hearing whats actually there, not what I expect to see. should I take my Etsy business off my resume? This really helps to spot not only errors, but omissions as well. Alison, I would love to see the worst errors to go to print. He lasted six months longer than me and apparently had been classified as an independent contractor which led to some tax issues. When you are dealing with lots of little pieces of information, and they need to be right, it is folly to go it alone. They care about everyone and encourage team members to support each other and collaborate. They just want to get you in the door to pitch the direct sales job. This is because the company itself changed its name multiple times, and personally went in and rated itself. BUT THESE OTHER KIDS ON THE FIRST DAY OF WORK WERE SOMETHING ELSE. There may be other reasons to denote it this way, though. OP, this is something to raise to your boss or higher up HR people. So even just putting it down and taking a 10 minute break, getting up for a cup of water and stretching my legs, I can see much clearer when I sit back down. Ripoff Report Needs Your Help! I agree that it is not asking them to go back into the closet. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $63 billion in annual media investment through agencies including Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/Six, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. I reviewed one application this year where a letter referred to the student as Susan (who I previously knew as Bradley), and thereafter as Susan. After reading about the company, finding negative and downright frightening reviews, and then digging into how it REALLY got started; well Ive decided to take employment elsewhere. Bachem Reviews FAQs Is Bachem a good company to work for? Yes, HR will be calling resumes, interviewing etc. (Universal Design isnt just to help people with disabilities). can I get my coworker to stop using awful corporate jargon? Of course this recruiter has reached out a second time, you have skills and they are trying to make money in filling a position. Im sorry you were affected by what seems like someones pathetic attempt to make themselves feel superior. In a very good way, you are much smarter than your college educated co workers because you dont have a boatload of student loan debt to pay off. So many interviewers were fixated on that B.A. If they say no you have let them know you noticed the conversation. But I should be thankful, because I probably would've wasted a couple more weeks working there before I was fed up completely with their bullshit. It is tangential to my field and I may have applied for jobs there many years ago, but I have no idea how my name got connected to it. I knew that they actually wanted to grow the budget by 10%. I think it is more making sure that they are out to the college as well. Id also look at what kind of mistakes youre making and where theyre coming from. Anyways I go through the hiring process and I am aware at that point that it is in fact a door to door sales job, but they kept it just vague enough that I was still thinking there was some inside portion/management involved. I make anywhere between $1500-$2600 a week and that's just from commission. Concur on checklists! This is not a MLM, it definitely is a pyramid scheme. YOU DONT NEED A SALESMAN TO GET PHONE SERVICE FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF ONLINE. When I started, my university was state supported, then state encouraged and currently state acknowledged. 51% of employees would recommend working at Bachem to a friend and 46% have a positive outlook for the business. They were furious. There are days when you just need your mom. But *Amaranth* was not talking about the gossip, but about the possibility that someone might notice that something is (apparently) out of whack with the salary ranges. YOU DONT NEED A SALESMAN TO GET OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF ONLINE. I usually catch it when presenting and say, Sorry folks, that is supposed to read.. and roll on. In my experience, those types of places explode during recessions. thats why you didnt make the sale. I would not have had a problem with someone leaving an MLM provided they had the skills and could talk about what they could bring to the role I needed them for. My employers in the past 25 years are large, global, and/or public companies, and everything has to be done yesterday. Going backwards helps me slow down and literally take it a word at a time. #4: Strongly seconding the advice to double-check with Susan about how they want you to refer to them. Agreed. I mean, if theyve begun coming out, the odds are decent that they want to start college as Susan and full steam ahead! but Cydcor??!?! The group's leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order tocontrol them. The owner gets to go on a lot of vacations while the staff does door to door sales all day. Im out with friends but not at work (if someone asked me directly I wouldnt lie, but Im not planning to come out), I want my references to use my AGAB pronouns. I got there by being a fast learner, smart, and hard working; my guess is that is you too, and you should be PROUD of that. #4: Have you asked your student how theyd like you to approach it? Who has time to cook dinner?#14 Partial. It's true. I was being asked to pay for own gas for company business, which is not all that uncommon but there was no reimbursement at all. Full benefits, higher pay then my last real job (and an actual paycheck in comparison to Cydcor), nice cushy office, nice people, laid back environment. Good for fandom, bad for career advice :), I just go for the dragon age stuff. So why did I get training pay for my second week when I was promoted on day 7? They tell you to fight through door to door sales and build your own pyramid scheme so you can be a millionaire in management. Miami Florida, Old Town Atelier Dan Kolar Alexandra Kolar Press and Ink Scamming and Blocking Paying Customers Temecula California, Full Service Network Jason Soltis, David Schwencke (CEO) They could not provide phone services needed, had to change providers after working with them for months to fix things. Leadership is supportive of the team members. I know plenty of cis people (most but not all non-straight) who use they pronouns, as a form of both allyship with trans people and a way to fight against the gender binary. It's another one of those MLM (aka Network Marketing, aka Pyramid Scheme) Programs whose main purpose is to sign you up, buy a product kit, then get you to sign up your friends, family, and co-workers to do the same thing.. Ive known some people who are absolutely delighted when people alternate like another Hero did (great name btw! manager to refer all questions of compensation til the 2nd interview. The contract frees Cydcor from any legal liability of the company, however can still force the ICL to follow its rules. Its different when the deadname has to be used in a legal document vs is being actively used by a human being you respect enough to ask for a recommendation letter. So op doesnt need to get a degree but Id like to see them stop feeling like its a deep secret shame. Still, it was always very useful for spotting doubled-up words or occasions where I restructured sentences in a way that cut words but made no sense. Sometimes I get stuff kicked back to me and I am just truly baffled and mortified that I possibly could have missed it. 3. Which is genuinely what happened, and means that my jobs with more legitimate skills/achievements dont get pushed off the page. It speaks to the strength of the community youve built that people are engaging in meaningful and legitimate workplace discussions. LW5 a cold call email from a recruiter can be treated like any other piece of junk mail in your snail mail. Speaking as a college professor, there are few of us who are unfamiliar with non-binary individuals. This meant we always had to bring in new customers constantly. They will not mention door to door in these ads and even more commonly will list a salary amount that is false. There was never an admin job. I've worked at multiple companies over the years and this by far has been my favorite company. I routinely proof read my bosss documents before they go out the door. If you enjoy chaos. It means you can refer to someone as either pronoun. But make sure they know what youre asking them for when Im asked to look over a presentation for errors, I default to typos, grammar, and math. (In my case I quit and provided evidence to the prosecution when they ended up in the high court. If I saw they/he, I would use they. Above accounts are 100% corrrect. For powerpoints I print notes pages with 6 or 8 slides per page. Im not saying sharing this information was appropriate or necessary in this particularly context, and it sounds like this HR person lacks judgement in other ways too, but its something that may come up again in an innocent context and since there is nothing shameful about your background, I think you would be better better off owning it. I work in academia, and even though I know that dead names/identities are painful for NB or trans people to face, they are still a fact of life in academic records. Seconding this. OP1, with a MLM on your resume, employers may question your integrity. RED FLAG 6: GOING DOOR TO DOOR. Ask yourself, could you not work another job for 60-80 hours a week, making steadier pay and not save up the 15-20 grand necessary to start your own business? Consumers love to do business with someone that can admit mistakes and state how they made improvements. She inherited team members from others who had (smartly) moved on, and was handed a promotion. Especially one major tool named John who has his nose so far shoved up the owner's a*s. Have fun going door-to-door annoying the crap out of the honest business owners. OP3, everyone who is not a dope like your coworker knows that there are smart and talented people who went to college and smart and talented people who didnt. Part of why errors get missed is because your brain gets comfortable with how it looks and fills in the correct info, but if you can change it up, that shakes your brain out of its comfort zone and errors become more obvious. So changing up HOW Im looking at the file as well as letting me edit directly on it, helps me be more mindful and catch things I might have otherwise missed. Thats alright! This helps you to spot mistakes because it stops you making predictions or assumptions about what the text says that stop you noticing whats actually there. I love this idea! Who knows how things will be in the next few years. Both techniques make you really look at whats there, and doesnt let your brain fill in what it knows should be there. #4 This is not going to be the first time a college has seen a letter for a non binary person or someone who has a traditionally feminine name and is not that gender. THAT is HR malpractice and just all around disgusting behavior. This is very fixable, you can do this. Long story short I ended up losing my savings on out of pocket costs. Bachem has an overall rating of 2.8 out of 5, based on over 107 reviews left anonymously by employees. Your education isnt something thats typically expected to be kept private but that doesnt mean that its okay for your HR manager to mock it. I walk into the breakout room hoping that my boss is going to address me as a new manager in training, but all of a sudden something strange happened. It sucks when an executive leader calls it out, I just want to die. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. I can imagine having such data on a chart and sharing it in a high level executive meeting, but break room yeah, no. I took the weekend to consider the "opportunity" I was presented with. No need to alternate, necessarily I think that would be unnecessary and more confusing. Retrospectively, I was far too educated to be in their demographic and as such they knew Id leave after the first day and post this novel of a review across all social media once I finally put my finger on what was wrong with the company (Thats another thing, they all call it The Company like some creepy cult because they dont want to differentiate or delineate between Cydcor and the franchise/fake front with the fake name that they present to new employees). I had such a viscerally negative reaction, I got up and left in the middle of the interview literally while the guy was talking! They also save money by paying us through a weird combination of salary & commission. Whether or not to raise it with your manager depends on how often its happening. Im also good a regular spelling, so I guess so I guess my brain just has a problem with homophones. Additionally getting a degree costs a lot of money! Education is not the only indication of intelligence, and the OP should never feel less-than for being less educated. Is there someone on your team you already trust or could train to be your second pair of eyes? What became a challenge was that the people I was able to recruit and bring in didn't have the same luxuries I did- they had more debt, kids, other bills. I've listened to "The Dream" - it's above the level of, say, LuLaRoe or Herbalife, but only just. It is a federal requirement that students are listed in certain databases by the name on their birth certificate. As others, including Alison, have said, anything youll learn at your current job will be questionable at best, so make sure youre giving yourself a good guideline for as soon as you can escape this job. This BS company is really just a pyramid scam!!!! That way if they are only using John for the application and you have Susan it wont be confusing. I quickly realized what a scam it was, having to show up for two meetings daily to motivate and debrief, chanting and brainwashing. It might also be helpful to address your anxiety of presenting to authority figures. I was perfectly comfortable selling. Ithank you. What actually happens is employees work 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week doing door to door sales to make maybe $300-600 (if theyre one of the successful ones who are ok hard selling stuff or happen to have a semi-decent product), while paying for their own gas, car etc. Again, I am so sorry. Having an actual second person really helps too. You begin to realize just how bad it is when your executives live in apartment with 3 others struggling to live on their own. Well, in short they do door to door sales like most MLM scams, they do a ton of door to door sales for selling AT&T services, DirectEnergy (electric and gas provider) as well as other obvious garbage like phones, vitamins, and various other random services. Elaborations below, this sort of stuff isn't for the faint of heart, First of all, some background on the company: Its really easy for me to gloss over small errors when my brains already reading the whole sentence. It might not be completely necessary, but it did reassure me that this absolutely glowing letter of rec was for this particular applicant, explained why the students transcripts were for Bradley, etc. Elenia, if you dont mind my asking, what country are you in? So figure out what it takes for rushing and tired you to not make that particular error again. I will still skim the emails just in case, but its rarely worth pursuing at this point in my career. Funny how that fault went away the day I quit. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. No one implied that those with university degrees are smarter than others. Recommend. Just go with whatever the student wants you to use; if its someone asking you for a recommendation you probably have enough relationship that that should be an easy conversation. OP1: one step removed from your situation but Im reminded of when I realised I was working for a Ponzi scheme firm. they would always reply Funny how we ended up in the same place yet I have 1/3rd the student debt.. Think about this if you are sunk into Phoenix Solution AKA Cydcor.If you check many of these items, and particularly if you check most of them, you might consider examining the group more closely. Voice of (bad) experience: if your document template uses paragraph and character level styles, do this color change in a copy of the document. Might be something that helps the OP. If Id known Id then be hounded by the press, have to sit through court appearances, be questioned about every little detail of what happened every day by forensic accountants.okay probably still would have done it but Id have got some better stress medications first. But if I replied to politely decline every contact, I wouldnt have time for anything else. Im exceedingly good at it, relatively speaking. Until I got a new sales job the following week where my base salary was more than I made the entire previous year. Your experience and performance are what is really worth it, and at least some of the jerks guffawing at you in the breakroom, unless they are all engineers or something, may have college degrees, but probably dont all have ones even related to their field, based on statistics out there. Copyright 1997-2023, Ripoff Report. If you live near the headquarters of any retailers, you might be able to get a job there doing something closer to your level. Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? Susan they is not something that would stand out to me, and if it would, I would judge it as deliberate, thoughtful writing. Check with the student first to make sure they want you to use their correct pronouns in the letter; they may be out to you and others at school but not yet in this context. Two jobs ago I hired for entry level staff and we interviewed and offered jobs to people with all sorts of varying work histories from mental health aides to debt collectors to overseas English teachers (it seemed a good number of recent grads in 08-09 did the English teacher stint in parts of Asia). I also have to check documents for accuracy and I become blind to them. After the second interview I did NOT get a call back, although they told me that theyd call me before 7 PM that day even if it was a no. Long story short after I dident make my quotas the manager asked me to buy the products myself to make up for it. I woke up on the morning of June 3rd to my father relaying to be the worst nightmare of my life. Phoenix Solution teaches its employees to lie. One of my peers in grad school had never graduated high school (she dropped out when she chose to flee an authoritarian country), and yet she had somehow managed to work her way into a prestigious PhD program she never hid it and we were all quite impressed! OP2 what I like to do is imagine as vividly as possible that I am now presenting the work, and go through it the way that I would if there were an audience there. It really helps! Its unlikely the school is going to think youre writing about the wrong person. People mocked me too. Oh gosh no. they cannot deliver what they say an insane amount of money Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Attorney Sharon K. Campbell COLLUDES with Wells Fargo Dallas Texas, Black Swan Enterprises Peter Tumbas Black Swan Capital The offered guaranteed low-cost financing if I first stepped in high-cost short term financing New York New York, Geeks Ondemand LLC, Lizeth Lagomarcino Papaleo Geeks Ondemand LLC, The Geeks Mob SCAM! Content warning. While you usually dont want to complain about an employer during an interview, it does make sense in this case to state that you learned that the company was an MLM and that youre not comfortable with this business model. Dont be embarrassed if you can help it, just smile and say thanks for catching that, Ill fix it, and keep moving. OP3, you have my full empathy and my utmost respect. Cydcor has garnered a reputation for sales excellence and expertise, consistently exceeding client expectations and driving revenue . 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